
Fallout shelter legendary weapons color
Fallout shelter legendary weapons color

fallout shelter legendary weapons color

In addition to junk, you’ll find recipes for new weapons and outfits in the wasteland as well.

fallout shelter legendary weapons color

You get a couple of pieces of junk right off the bat with the update, but you can also find junk in your lunch boxes and recover junk out in the wasteland. Maybe it will even satisfy enough of my crafting addiction that I can finally make decent progress in Fallout 4. Bringing crafting to Fallout Shelter was an obvious choice. So the biggest addition in this update is crafting! I don’t know about everyone else but I find that I spend more time than I should scrapping junk, tweaking weapons and armor, and crafting stuff in Fallout 4. Fallout Shelter just got a major update that includes new room types, more pets, crafting, and more!

Fallout shelter legendary weapons color